ITQAN is a company that specializes in business setup and business growth

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Dubai World Trade Central
One Central, Building The offices 4 9th Floor
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Company Establishment In UAE

Conditions for opening a commercial registry in the UAE for Saudis is one of the services provided by the government in Dubai in order to help investors to establish companies and investment projects. It is remarkable that the government supports investors and provides them with...

We will address the conditions for opening a commercial registry in Dubai in this article because of their importance in order for you to be able to create a commercial registry for investment in Dubai and benefit from the advantages that the commercial registry gives...

The Emirates Aviation College succeeded in exclusivity. That's where it became one of the best academies, majoring in aeronautics, In addition to aircraft maintenance, It is also a distinguished edifice for the pilot industry. Therefore, it has become one of the best academies in the...

تأسيس شركة في المنطقة الحرة في دبي يمنح المستثمر العديد من المزايا والتسهيلات لتأسيس أعماله على أسس ناجحة وبطرق سهلة وبعيدة عن التعقيد. So if you want to establish a company in one of the free zones in Dubai, You will get many advantages and benefits,...

تأسيس شركة في الفري زون تضمّ إمارة دبي العديد من المناطق التجاريّة الهامّة، التي جعلت منها قبلةً تجارية يرتادها الكثير من التجار سواءً أكانوا من الدول العربيّة أو الأجنبيّة، ومن أهمّ هذه المناطق هي منطقة جبل علي It took four years to build the port in Jebel...

Steps to establish a company in Dubai يتطلب تأسيس شركة في دبي إتباع مجموعة من الخطوات والموافقات التي تستلزمها دائرة التنمية الإقتصادية، والجهات الأخرى المعنية لتسجيل المنشأة بشكل رسمي. في البداية يتوجب عليك تحديد نوع النشاط الذي تود مزاولته وهذا بدوره سيحدد الأطراف المرتبطين بالنشاط والأشكال...

The world has been turned upside down by the COVID-19 pandemic. Real estate investors are likely to reevaluate the best place to invest in the latter part of 2020. Dubai is the best place for economic recovery after covid-19, In addition to the laws followed...

The UAE is becoming an increasingly attractive destination for companies to do business due to its stability, low taxes and efforts to modernize its business law system. The Emirate of Dubai has become a famous city for setting up companies. Driven by the advantages of...

Incorporation of companies in the free zone in the United Arab Emirates makes them companies subject to the rules and regulations of the free zone in which they were incorporated, which differ from the establishment of companies outside it. With the exception of obtaining citizenship in...

أسس شركتك في المنطقة الحرة لجبل علي تعد المنطقة الحرة لجبل علي التي يشار إليها ب(جافزا) من أكبر المناطق الحرة الرائدة ضمن مجمع الأعمال في موانئ دبي العالمية. فقد تطورت المنطقة الحرة لجبل علي مع الوقت لتصبح المحفز التجاري وتجمع الأعمال الذكي الذي يوفر للأعمال...

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