{"id":26331,"date":"2024-07-05T12:01:05","date_gmt":"2024-07-05T12:01:05","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/itqans.com\/establishing-a-company-in-dubai-for-saudis\/"},"modified":"2022-09-24T12:01:05","modified_gmt":"2022-09-24T12:01:05","slug":"establishing-a-company-in-dubai-for-saudis","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/itqans.com\/en\/establishing-a-company-in-dubai-for-saudis\/","title":{"rendered":"Establishing a company in Dubai for Saudis"},"content":{"rendered":"

Establishing a company in Dubai for Saudis is an investment orientation with strong effectiveness and huge profit returns for Saudi investors, for all sizes and types of companies without exception. Where the city of Dubai hosts thousands of investors annually to establish all investment projects such as trade, manufacturing, services, tourism and other various activities that have found all the support they need to succeed on the land of Dubai.
\n<\/span>The UAE government supports the establishment of a company in Dubai for the Saudis and provides the Saudi investor or entrepreneur with the material, environmental, technological success factors and other factors that the investor is looking for to establish a successful business, benefit from material returns and create a global brand. In this article, we discuss the steps to establish a company in Dubai for Saudis and how to open a commercial registry in Dubai.<\/span><\/p>\n



\n<\/span>Steps to establish a company in Dubai for Saudis<\/h2>\n

Establishing a company in Dubai for Saudis is the same as all companies for other nationalities, which require steps and legal procedures that are carried out through the competent authorities in Dubai, such as the Department of Economic Development in Dubai. The process of establishing a company in Dubai for Saudis includes the following steps:<\/span><\/p>\n