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Investor residency fees in Dubai

Investor residency fees in Dubai

2 Jun Investor residency fees in Dubai

Investor residence fees in Dubai, as it is considered one of the countries that are characterized by ease of living and the availability of several opportunities for investment, Not to mention having an ideal infrastructure for all types of investment, Many describe it as the best in the region. Dubai has greatly developed itself until it ranked first in the region and twelfth globally in terms of opportunities and ease of investment.


Investor residency fees in Dubai


So let’s get acquainted with the procedures and fees for residing an investor in Dubai.

The concept of residing an investor in Dubai

It is the investor owning a residence, through which he conducts his business in the United Arab Emirates, This visa enables you to reside in the country. And travel and return to Dubai at any time as long as the visa is still active.

The visa provides several points for its holders, the most important of which are:

  • Open bank account.
  • Obtaining an Emirati hobby card.
  • Obtaining a driver’s license.
  • Health care and services.
  • Water and electricity.
  • Sponsorship of the rest of the family without the need for a local sponsor.

Visas for investors are divided into 4 sections, including:

  • Real estate investor visa

It is a real estate investment visa. In order to obtain it, it is required that you own a property equivalent to a value of one million dirhams. If the property is owned by more than one person, The share or share of each of the shareholders must not be less than one million dirhams.

This visa is given to the owners of ready-to-occupy residential properties. It is not given for commercial real estate or if it is under construction or development.

The period of obtaining a visa extends from 3 to 10 years sometimes. According to the circumstances of each property, Iqama is renewed if the conditions are still valid. It is the investor’s ownership of the property.

  • Corporate Investor Visa, which is a visa intended for investors who wish to invest freely in any emirate within the United Arab Emirates. or free zones in the country, It should be mentioned that the investor must have a sponsor or agent for the services. It is the bridge of communication between the investor and the government agencies.


Itqan Investment Services Company, The best service agent in Dubai to perform all investor services easily and quickly.

However, new modifications have been made. It allowed all investors to own their business 100% without the need for a local partner.

The visa is granted for that category, For those who own shares in a company in a country, the value of the shares is not less than 72 thousand UAE dirhams , and if the investor wishes to establish his own ownership company, the capital must not be less than the aforementioned limit.

The presence of a partner or service agent within the free zones in Dubai is prohibited. In addition to tax exemption and several advantages that investors get there.

  • Long term visa

The government of the United Arab Emirates, By amending some laws through which the investor is allowed to obtain a long-term visa, ranging from five to ten years.

This is for investors who wish to reside in the country for a longer period and carry out their business there. However, there is a condition for obtaining this visa, which is that the investor owns a business whose value is ten million dirhams.

Whether those investments are in the form of bank deposits or shares in companies, or owning a company of its own.

  • Retirement visa in Dubai

The government granted a visa to individuals over the age of fifty-five years. And they want to reside in Dubai permanently, A prolonged visa is granted for a period of five years.

It is automatically renewed if the conditions are met to obtain it, namely, That the person owns one million dirhams , or is an investor whose shares are not less than two million dirhams , or earns 20,000 dirhams.


الفئات التي تستحق الاقامة الدائمة في دبي:

The UAE has issued special laws for permanent residence in Dubai for everyone who contributes to improving the UAE’s economic situation. And also to everyone who contributes to a better future for the Emirates, Certain categories have been identified to obtain permanent residence in the Emirates.

Among these categories that are eligible for permanent residence in Dubai:

  • فئة المستثمر فى الاستثمارات العامة.
  • فئة المستثمر فى عقار خاص.
  • فئة رواد الأعمال.
  • فئة الموهوبين في المجالات التخصصية، مثل الأطباء والعلماء، والمخترعين، وأصحاب المواهب الفنية.
  • فئة المتفوقين في الدراسة، وهم الطلاب الحاصلين على نسبة 95% في الثانوية العامة سواء كان تعليم حكومي او خاص، وأيضا الطلاب الخريجين بتقدير تراكمي 3.75 من نظام gpa.


 شروط الحصول على الإقامة الدائمة في دبي:

First: For the category of investors in public investments, In order to obtain permanent residence for a foreign investor in order to reside and invest in Dubai, the following conditions are required:

  • أن يكون رأس المال الشركة بالكامل مملوك للمستثمر وليس قرضا، وأن يقدم ما يثبت ذلك.
  • أن يكون عمر الاستثمارات في الإمارات ثلاث سنوات على الأقل.

secondly: For the category of investment in private real estate, The following conditions must be met to obtain residency in Dubai in order to reside and invest in it:

  • يجب أن يكون رأس مال الشركة لا يقل عن خمسة ملايين درهم إماراتي.
  • أن يكون رأس مال الشركة بالكامل ملك المستثمر، وليس قرض، وأن يقدم ما يثبت ذلك.
  • أن تكون مدة الاستثمارات في الإمارات لا تقل عن ثلاث سنوات

Third: For the entrepreneurs category, The conditions for obtaining residency in Dubai are: For residence and investment in Dubai, be as follows:

  • امتلاك مشروع لا تقل قيمته عن خمسمائة ألف درهم إماراتي، وله سابقة أعمال ناجحة.
  • الحصول على موافقة من الجهات المختصة في دبي من أجل ممارسة هذه الأعمال بها.

Fourthly: For the category of talented people in specialized fields, These conditions must be met in order to obtain permanent residence in Dubai. Among these conditions are the following:

  • حصول صاحب هذه المهنة او الموهبة على ترخيص من الجهات المختصة في الإمارات لممارسة أعماله بها.
  • أن تحقق هذه المهنة أو الموهبة النفع لدولة الإمارات.
  • أن يكون صاحب هذه الموهبة أو المهنة حاصل على جائزة او شهادة تقدير خاصة بممارسة هذه المهنة أو الموهبة.
  • بالنسبة للأطباء، يجب حصوله على دكتوراه من أفضل خمسمائة جامعة في العالم.

Fifth: For the category of students who excel academically, A score of 95% must be obtained in the secondary school exam. A cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.75 for university students.


المميزات من الحصول على الإقامة الدائمة في دبي:

First: For the category of investors in the field of public investments, The investor obtains permanent residence in Dubai for a period of ten years, renewable. The same period for the wife and children. And an entry visa to the Emirates for a period of six months.

secondly: For the category of investor in private real estate, The investor obtains permanent residence in Dubai for a period of five years, renewable. Likewise for the wife and children, And an entry visa to the Emirates for a period of six months, renewable.

Third: For the entrepreneurs category, The investor obtains permanent residence in Dubai for a period of five years, renewable. The same applies to the wife and children.

Fourthly: For the category of talented people in specialized fields, Permanent residence is granted for a period of ten years, renewable. For the same period for the wife and children.

Fifth: For the category of students who excel academically, The student obtains permanent residence in Dubai for a period of five years, renewable. The student’s family gets the same period if they are with him in Dubai during his studies.

It should be noted that the conditions for a foreign investor to obtain permanent residence in Dubai in order to reside and invest in it also apply to any investor.


إتقان لتأسيس الشركات وتطوير الأعمال - ITQAN

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