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Establishing a company in the Jebel Ali Free Zone

تأسيس شركة في المنطقة الحرة لجبل علي

4 Nov Establishing a company in the Jebel Ali Free Zone

Jebel Ali Free Zone or (Jafza) is one of the leading free trade zones in the world. It was established in 1985 to be one of the largest free zones in the world. And the most efficient logistics center in the region. The importance of the Jebel Ali Free Zone is embodied in its unique location between Jebel Ali Port, which is the largest man-made port, and Al Maktoum International Airport, which provides Jebel Ali with the best connection point to all parts of the world.

On the other hand, Jebel Ali is one of the fastest developing regions in the world. It started in 1985 with about 19 companies, and today it has become one of the largest business incubators around the world. It now includes about 7,000 active companies in various fields of trade, logistics, and various other sectors.

It also provides more than 135,000 job opportunities and attracts approximately 23.9% of Dubai’s share of foreign investment.

So , You should get acquainted with us in this article about the advantages and benefits of establishing a company in the Jebel Ali Free Zone ,…


Establishing a company in Jebel Ali


Advantages of establishing a company in Jebel Ali

Before everything , Let’s get acquainted with the many advantages and facilities offered by Jebel Ali to investors…

  • Corporate and personal tax exemptions
  • Provides customs services to foreign investors
  • Full Sole Proprietorship
  • No restrictions on cash transactions
  • Full exemption from import and export tax
  • Freedom of employment and employment of foreigners
  • There is no restriction on import and export.
  • The possibility of transferring capital abroad.


شروط فتح شركة في منطقة جبل علي

تعتبر منطقة جبل علي من المناطق التي تبعد عن وسط مدينة دبي بحوالي 30 متر وقد تم تخصيص هذه المنطقة لبناء أكبر المواني العالمية ويوجد بها أيضا أكبر مصانع الألمونيوم على مستوى الشرق الأوسط وأيضا بها منطقة صناعية حرة ومن شروط فتح شركة في منطقة جبل علي هي :

اختيار المكان المناسب لفتح الشركة.

اختيار أيضا أسم مناسب للشركة المراد تأسيسها.

كذلك من شروط فتح شركة في منطقة جبل علي تحديد الشكل القانوني الخاص بالشركة سواء(شركة أو فرع شركة او مؤسسة)


Steps to establish a company in the Jebel Ali Free Zone

Next, we mention to you the steps for establishing the company in the free zone in several steps:

  • Or not : Determine the type of activity to issue the license.
  • Secondly: Choose a trade name
  • Third: Obtaining the initial approval.
    In addition to the need to submit an action plan.

The cost of establishing a company in the Jebel Ali Free Zone

Similarly, the cost of establishing a company in the free zone is divided into several stages…

1- Initial approval fees.

2- Issuing a trade name

3- Obtaining a professional business license

4- Procedures for obtaining the documents and licenses required to establish a company in Dubai.


The required paperwork

In addition, there are some papers and documents that must be submitted to establish a company in Dubai

1- A copy of the passport

2- The required approvals according to the type of activity

3- An action plan

4- Trade name
In conclusion, We assure you that Jebel Ali Free Zone is one of the most important business centers in the world. If you want to establish a company in Jebel Ali, contact Etqan Company, where its experts can carry out all necessary procedures and obtain all required permits and approvals.


تأسيس شركة في جبل علي

Establishing a company in Jebel Ali, as it is one of the free zones in Dubai, is considered a good place for businessmen and investors, due to the ease in obtaining initial approvals, procedures and permits for establishing a company in Jebel Ali. It is also characterized by the low costs of establishing a company in the region. Free and the possibility for the customer to establish the company without the assistance of a local or foreign sponsor from the citizens of the United Arab Emirates, as well as all solutions for establishing a business. When establishing a company in Jebel Ali, the following must be taken into account:

  • أختيار المكان المناسب الخاص بالشركة.
  • يتم أيضا اختيار أسم تجاري مصرح به وغير مستخدم من قبل للشركة.
  • أيضا أختيار الكيان والشكل القانوني الخاص بالشركة وذلك حسب نوع النشاط الذي يرغب العميل القيام به في شركته.
  • وأخيرا عمل كافة الإجراءات وأخذ كافة التصريحات اللازمة لمزاولة العمل داخل المشروع بالشكل السليم.


خطوات الاستثمار في جبل علي

Steps to invest in Jebel Ali Free Zone are as follows:

First: Determine the type of activity of the company:

One of the first steps to invest in Jebel Ali is to obtain a license and determine the desired type of activity in the company, because determining the type of activity helps to identify all parties associated with this activity as well as the permitted legal forms for this activity.

secondly: Identification of the legal entity of the company, which may be either:

Free Zone and have limited liability.

or a free zone establishment.

Also, the difference between the two depends on the number of shareholders or the nature of the shareholder, whether he is a natural or legal shareholder. Therefore, the customer must refer to the concerned authorities to find out the appropriate legal entity for the desired activity to establish.

There are also branches of establishments in the free zones:

Where branches of local and foreign companies can be established in all free zones.

Choosing a suitable commercial name for the project:

Whereas, when the legal entity for the establishment of the company is determined, its trade name is chosen and an appropriate and appropriate name must be chosen for the company, so the investor must, before choosing the trade name, refer to the concerned authorities of the free zone to verify the trade name used and whether it is used by or No, and that it is not contrary to public morals in the region and that it is not used for the same type of activity and that it is compatible with the nature of the company’s activity as well as its legal entity and does not include any names or logos of bodies and institutions, whether local, Arab or international, and finally that it is not identical to any local trademark or International and for the Ministry of Economy.

Applying for a commercial license:

Where the investor obtains a license to work in the project, according to the basic activity on which the project is based.

After that, the investor obtains the initial approvals for the establishment of the company from the relevant authorities, and then pays the registration fees and the license fees, which vary according to the type of license required.

Work licensing procedures and work permits:

  • حيث يتم إعداد الاتفاقيات الخاصة بتأجير موقع العمل من قبل السلطات المعنية.
  • بعدها يقوم المستثمر بإصدار الرخصة التجارية.
  • بعد ذلك يقوم بإصدار أذونات العمل والتأشيرات المطلوبة وذلك للبدء في العمل بشكل سليم.


إنشاء شركة في جبل علي

The establishment of a company in Jebel Ali, which is considered a free zone, is one of the most sought-after goals of many Arab and international countries, due to the great facilities that this region offers to investors to establish their companies, as well as the services that were designed alongside the project sites, which helps customers to meet all their needs. As these areas are characterized by their design on paved roads for the possibility of establishing a company there, such as establishing a company in Jebel Ali.

The cost of establishing a company in the Jebel Ali region and in the free zones is generally not high, but also profitable for customers due to the ease of procedures in these areas, as there are no restrictions or 100% taxation on the entry of customers.


It is also considered to establish a company in free zones Such as Jebel Ali represents a great economic development and growth in the United Arab Emirates due to the ease of laws that organize and manage business within these areas, which made the establishment of these companies in the free zones a major reason for the events of great development and growth in the UAE economy in relation to the countries of the Arab and international world. The free zone is a separate entity that is not governed by any UAE labor laws or restrictions because there are no customs fees, which makes it easier for the investor to establish a company in it.


إتقان لتأسيس الشركات وتطوير الأعمال - ITQAN

Mohamed Hamza

Mohamed Rabie

Mohamed Katan

Lubaba aboud

Omar Ahmed

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Rama Al Farras