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Establishing a company in Dubai for Saudis

Establishing a company in Dubai for Saudis

18 Feb Establishing a company in Dubai for Saudis

Establishing a company in Dubai for Saudis is an investment activity with strong investment effectiveness and huge profit returns for Saudi investors. This includes all sizes and types of companies in Dubai without exception.

Where Dubai hosts thousands of Saudi investors annually to establish various investment projects: Trade, manufacturing, services, tourism and other various activities, In addition to having the support you need to succeed on the land of Dubai.

The government in Dubai supports the establishment of companies and businesses in Dubai for Saudi investors. It provides them with material, environmental and technological success factors and many of the services and facilities an investor needs to establish a successful business in Dubai, benefit from material returns and create a global brand.

In this article, we shed light on the steps to establish a company in Dubai for Saudis, in addition to how to open a commercial registry in Dubai for Saudi investors.


Establishing a company in Dubai for Saudis

How to establish a company in Dubai for Saudis

By asking how to establish a company in Dubai for Saudis ? It requires taking legal steps and procedures through the competent authorities in Dubai, such as the Department of Economic Development in Dubai and issuing a commercial license to work. Here is how to establish a company in Dubai for Saudis in the following steps:

  • Determine the nature of the company’s activity

Companies in Dubai have a different nature of activities, so the nature of the economic activity that expresses the company must first be determined from the various activities available for companies to operate in Dubai. Therefore, it is the first to establish a company in Dubai for Saudis.

  • Reserve and register the company’s trade name

What distinguishes one company from another? Or a commercial license for another license? The company’s trade name is certainly what distinguishes one commercial license from another. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a trade name that reflects the nature of the activity of the Saudi company to be established in Dubai.
After choosing a trade name for the company that is suitable for the regulations, the trade name is registered. in Dubai, Department of Economic Development. The process of choosing a trade name includes a set of conditions as follows:

  • The trade name of the Saudi company should reflect the nature of the company’s activity.
  • It should not contain the name of any government agency or the word of God.
  • It should not be similar to the name of a company of any kind in Dubai.
  • The trade name of the company should be followed by an abbreviation of the legal form of the company.
  • Determine the legal form of the company

Because of the diversity of economic and business activities in Dubai, each activity has laws governing it. This is by defining a legal form for the company and on that basis the company is established and its own laws are followed.
The importance of this step is due to the fact that the legal form of the company determines the laws under which the company will operate in Dubai in the steps of establishing a company in Dubai for Saudis. And it must match the company’s activity, as there are many legal forms for companies as follows:

  • Solidarity companies in Dubai.
  • Simple Recommendation Companies.
  • Limited liability companies.
  • Public joint stock companies.
  • Private joint stock companies.
  • Commercial representation offices.
  • Civil works companies.
  • A branch of a local company.
  • A branch of a foreign company.
  • Free Zone Company Branch.
  • Individual Foundation.
  • holding company.


  • Obtaining the initial approval

One of the most important steps to establish a company in Dubai for Saudis, Obtaining the initial approval, which includes the approval of the trade name, the chosen activity and legal form, Some economic activities require the approval of government agencies related to the activity before obtaining the initial approval.


  • Memorandum of Association and business agent agreement

Establishing a company in Dubai for Saudis needs to sign the Memorandum of Association and conclude a local service agent agreement. According to the legal form of the company in Dubai as follows: (civil works company, one person company, A limited liability company, simple limited partnership company, public joint stock company, Solidarity Company, private joint stock company).


  • Choosing a business location for the company

Choosing the place where you will establish your company is a necessary step to establishing a company in Dubai for Saudis. Where it is necessary for each company in Dubai to have a basic place of business written in the official papers and to submit a contract notarized by the Real Estate Regulatory Authority in Dubai.


  • Obtaining additional approvals

When establishing companies in Dubai, Some activities, according to the regulations, require additional approvals from the authorities concerned with the nature of the company’s activity.
Here are the government agencies through which additional approvals can be obtained: (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Civil Defence, Ministry of Justice, The Ministry of Economy, Dubai municipality, communication activities, engineering and architecture activities, Dubai Health Authority, Supreme Petroleum Council).


  • Receipt of the trade license

Obtaining a commercial license to work legally is the last step in establishing a company in Dubai for Saudis. After paying the license fees, Then the trade license is received from one of the service centers in Dubai and registered at the Chamber of Commerce.
There are several documents to obtain a trade license in Dubai for Saudis, as follows:

  • Submit the initial approval receipt from the concerned authority and all documents submitted previously.
  • Submit a copy of the lease document documentation certificate for the company’s workplace.
  • Availability of the certified articles of incorporation.
  • Availability of a service agent appointment contract.
  • The approval of other government agencies.


Steps to open a commercial registry in Dubai for Saudis

  1. Attach the documents required or previously submitted to obtain a trade license, then send them to the Department of Economic Development in Dubai .
  2. Payment of all commercial license fees to the company within 30 days, not more than the date of issuance of the payment authorization.
  3. Registering with the UAE Chamber of Commerce as a member before commencing actual work in the company.
  4. Obtaining a trade license is required as a basic document in order to open a commercial registry.
  5. Deposit the value of the required capital in the commercial register data.
  6. Obtaining the commercial register as a legal document for establishing a company in Dubai for Saudis.



Establishing a company in Dubai for Saudis

Our team is pleased to provide you with a helping hand to establish a company in Dubai for Saudis, Through the comprehensive integrated services that we provide in our company, With the help of the strongest team in the field of establishing businesses, providing services to different nationalities, and providing legal advice.
We are one of the largest companies providing business and consulting services, and we provide all means of support to our clients. This is because we are distinguished by:

  • We have many years of competence and experience in establishing and supporting different types and sizes of companies in Dubai.
  • Our team is distinguished and trained in legal procedures and transactions with the competent authorities in Dubai.
  • Specialized in extracting and renewing all types of commercial licenses for various activities.
  • We are distinguished by quality and clearing all legal procedures in the fastest time and at the lowest costs.
  • We provide offices, warehouses and warehouses for annual rent at the best prices in Dubai.
  • Providing full support, solving problems and answering inquiries 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  • We provide legal advice by consulting ACFA legal consultants in the field of investment in Dubai.


At the end of this article, we would like to shed light on the most important information about establishing a company in Dubai for Saudis and the required steps and procedures. Steps to establish a company in Dubai for Saudis, Documents required to establish a company in Dubai for Saudis and steps to open a commercial registry in Dubai for Saudis.


Contact us today and get a free consultation to implement all your business plans!

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