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Establishing a company in Dubai for foreigners

Establishing a company in Dubai for foreigners

6 Jul Establishing a company in Dubai for foreigners

Establishing a company in Dubai for foreigners

Establishing a company in Dubai for foreigners is a profitable investment destination for every investor who has a project idea and wants to establish it in a country with laws that allow facilities and achieve maximum financial benefit for him. As the city of Dubai has become one of the most attractive times for investors, due to its availability on all the elements of successful investment.
Many advantages enjoyed by foreign investors in the city of Dubai, facilities, support, services and facilities, In this article, we learn about these advantages, in addition to the laws governing the course of the investment process for foreigners in Dubai, the steps to open a commercial registry in Dubai for foreigners, and the most important sectors that support the establishment of a company in Dubai for foreigners.


Establishing a company in Dubai for foreigners

Establishing a company in Dubai for foreigners
The UAE is one of the largest countries in the world in the field of foreign investment, and this was indicated by the economic report of the UAE in 2019, as it shows the order of foreign direct flow to the UAE as follows in the following points:

  • He explained that the UAE ranks 27th in the world as a country capable of attracting foreign investors, as the value of foreign direct investment incoming to the UAE amounted to $10,385 billion in 2018, with a growth difference of 0.3% from 2017, when the investment value at that time amounted to $10,354 billion.
  • The UAE ranks first in the Arab world with a rate of 33.3% of the total foreign investment incoming to the Arab countries in 2018, amounting to 31.2% billion dollars.
  • It occupies the second place at the level of West Asia, with 355% of the total inward foreign investment flows to West Asia, and 220% of the total inward foreign investment flows to the Middle East and North Africa.

Sectors for establishing a company in Dubai for foreigners
The economic sectors available for foreign investment in Dubai vary, and the most important of these sectors are the following:

  • Wholesale and retail trade.
  • Real estate activities.
  • Financial services and insurance.
  • Transformative Industries.
  • Mining and quarrying.

The most important investing countries in the UAE

  • Switzerland
  • India
  • United kingdom
  • Austria
  • France
  • Japan
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Holland
  • Kuwait

Rules for establishing a company in Dubai for foreigners
The UAE has issued laws regulating the process of foreign direct investment in the country, and this is in accordance with Federal Decree Law No. (19) of 2018, in order to enhance the investment environment and attract foreign investors to the country, in addition to increasing and diversifying production and other important goals to strengthen the various sectors of the country.
The provisions of the Foreign Direct Investment Law apply to all foreign investment projects authorized and licensed, and this is in accordance with the investment requirements such as the minimum amount of capital, and that the investment be in the fields of stimulating research and development.
Activities authorized for foreign investment in the UAE
According to the laws and regulations issued in 2020 regarding foreign economic activities authorized for investment, which include 122 economic activities, as follows:

  • Agriculture sector.
  • industry sector.
  • Services sector.

Unauthorized activities for foreign investment in the UAE
Laws and regulations for foreign investment exclude some sectors and activities as follows:

  • Exploration, exploration and production of petroleum products.
  • security and military sectors.
  • Banking and financing activities, payment systems and cash handling.
  • Hajj and Umrah, labor and employment services.

The legal form for establishing companies in Dubai for foreigners

  • A limited liability company.
  • Private joint stock company.

Advantages of establishing a company in Dubai for foreigners
The regulations and laws in the UAE guarantee many privileges that help in the growth and stability of foreign investments in Dubai. Some of these privileges are:
Online business establishment
One of the services provided by the UAE government to foreign investors is the ability to establish a company in Dubai via the Internet within only 15 minutes, without the need to visit the country and waste time and effort unnecessarily.
Complete foreign ownership of companies
The foreign investor has the right to the full ownership of the company with a 100% stake in most of the economic and industrial activities, and this included about 1000 commercial and industrial activities or more. This is in accordance with the amendments issued by the UAE government to the Companies Law, in accordance with the provisions of Federal Decree-Law No. (26) of 2020.
The laws and regulations in the UAE provide for expropriation only for the working benefit, which includes satisfactory compensation for the foreign investor.
Opening a commercial registry to establish a company in Dubai for foreigners
Steps to open a commercial registry in Dubai
To establish a company in Dubai for foreigners, the investor must obtain a commercial registration for the company, according to the nature of the activity in which he will work. Here are the steps to open a commercial registry to establish a company in Dubai for foreigners:

  • Go to the official website of Dubai Economy.
  • Log in to the commercial registration opening service.
  • Enter the email and password for your account on the platform.
  • Log in by clicking on the register button.
  • Add company website details and other details.
  • Register the participating parties to enter the platform.
  • Determine the main and secondary activity of the company.
  • Adding all the founding parties to the company and their complete data on the platform.
  • Choose the type of license to be obtained, whether it is a merchant license, an instant license, or a commercial license.
  • Adding all the data of the parties to the license, such as: Managers and service agents.
  • Adding the final beneficiary of the economic project.
  • Signing the company’s documents through the concerned parties and sending them.
  • Pay all commercial registration fees through the available payment methods.
  • Receipt of the commercial register and associated documents.

Conditions for opening a commercial registry in Dubai for foreigners
The laws and regulations in Dubai provide for some conditions necessary to open a commercial registry to establish a company in Dubai for foreigners. These conditions are reviewed by you in the following points:

  • Choosing a trade name that is appropriate with the laws of the UAE so that it reflects the nature of the activity and does not contradict public taste and does not include the name of His Majesty or the names of government agencies.
  • Obtaining initial approval from the concerned authorities regarding the name and activity.
  • Providing a documented contract for the company’s website from the competent authorities.
  • The investor should not possess more than one commercial license and submit the licenses to the competent department.
  • The company’s headquarters area should not be less than 200 feet.
  • Obtaining approvals from the authorities concerned with the establishment activity in Dubai.
  • Pay the trade license fees.


How do we help in establishing a company in Dubai for foreigners?
Planning to set up a company in Dubai for foreigners and looking for help? You are in the right place to take the first step to establishing a company in Dubai for foreigners. We are one of the largest companies that provide investment services in Dubai and provide all methods of support to our clients. This is because we are distinguished by:

  • We have years of experience setting up companies in Dubai and free zones.
  • We have a team trained in legal procedures and transactions with the competent authorities in Dubai.
  • Specialized in extracting and renewing all commercial licenses for various activities.
  • We are distinguished by quality and clearing all procedures in the fastest time and at the lowest costs.
  • We provide offices, warehouses and warehouses for rent at the best prices in Dubai.
  • Providing full support and problem solving 24/7.
  • We provide legal advice through ACFA Legal Consultants in the field of investment in Dubai.

For more information about establishing a company in Dubai for foreigners, and to request assistance in obtaining commercial licenses and dealing with government agencies to complete all procedures and papers, contact our team now and book your consultation with us.


Contact us today and get a free consultation to implement all your business plans!

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