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Establishing a company in Dubai

Establishing a company in Dubai

4 Nov Establishing a company in Dubai

عند الرغبة في تأسيس شركة في دبي يجب عليك إتباع مجموعة من الإجراءات الضرورية التي تفرضها القوانين في دبي، حيث إنه التنمية الاقتصادية في دبي تفرض مجموعة من الإجراءات لكي يتم تأسيس الشركة وتسجيل المنشأة بشكل رسمي وقيام الأعمال بها.

It is one of the most important necessary procedures imposed by the laws and procedures for establishing companies in Dubai , which will organize and facilitate the conduct of all procedures according to each desired activity. After that, the parties involved in the activity and the permitted legal forms will be determined.


Establishing a company in Dubai


Steps to establish a company in Dubai

1. Determine the type of activity of the company.

2. Determine the legal form of the company as well as the parties involved in the activity.

3. Determine and reserve the trade name.

4. Applying for the initial approval certificate.

5. Preparing the Memorandum of Association and Service Agent Agreement.

6. Choosing the company’s location and documenting the lease.

7. Obtaining the approvals of the authorities organizing the activity.

8. Receipt of the trade license .


اجراءات تأسيس شركة في دبي
تأسيس شركة في دبي أو الإمارات العربية المتحدة يمكن القيام به فقط من خلال وكيل مسجل بداية من تحديد نوع النشاط الذي تريد مزاولته والقيام بعمل دراسات الجدوى الاقتصادية والضرورية التي تساعدك في دعم اختيارك للمشروع المناسب واختيار الاسم التجاري المناسب له بالإضافة الي مساعدتك في الحصول على التصاريح الأمنية وصولاً إلى مساعدتك في إعداد جميع الاوراق المطلوبة للانتهاء من تأسيس مشروعك الاستثماري بالإضافة لمساعدتك في تسهيل إجراءات الإقامة لك ولعائلتك في دولة الإمارات.

All you have to do is set a time to meet our experts in Itqan or contact us via our website to discuss the details of the company’s activity that you would like to establish and provide all the required personal documents to them, and then we will, on your behalf, complete all the steps with the various government agencies in order to obtain a business license in Dubai in the shortest possible time.


خطوات تأسيس شركة في دبي

1. Determine the nature of the company’s activity:

It is one of the most important necessary procedures imposed by the laws and procedures for establishing companies in Dubai , which will organize and facilitate the conduct of all procedures according to each desired activity. After that, the parties involved in the activity and the permitted legal forms will be determined. There are more than 2,000 economic activities available to be practiced in the UAE. Economic activities are classified into three main types:

Commercial : It includes wholesale and retail trade, construction, transportation, storage and communications, financial intermediation, real estate and leasing.

Occupational : These are the activities that depend on mental and physical effort to practice them and include agriculture, fishing, education, health and social work, community, social and personal service activities.

Industrial : It includes manufacturing industries, mining and quarrying, electricity, gas and water.

It also includes tourist activities. And in the event that you want to choose an activity that is not included in the available activities and you have a full description of this activity, our experts in mastering will provide you with full support so that you can choose the activity you want and complete the procedures for establishing a company in Dubai .


2. تحديد الشكل القانوني للشركة

The choice of the legal form of the company in the UAE depends on the nationality of its owners. The type of company that you plan to establish in Dubai, and it is graded according to the following:

  • شركة تضامن: يمكن لشركة التضامن أن تقوم بممارسة الأنشطة التجارية والصناعية فقط
  • الشركات ذات المسؤولية المحدودة : أي نشاط صناعي أو تجاري أو مهني باستثناء أنشطة المحاماة وتدقيق الحسابات وأي نوع آخر من الأنشطة الخاصة بالاستشارات ويستثنى من ذلك النشاط الخاص بالاستشارات المالية، بشرط الحصول على الموافقة من الجهات المنظمة من أجل هذا النشاط.
  • شركة المساهمة العامة : يمكن لشركاء المساهمة العامة ممارسة الأنشطة التجارية والصناعية والمهنية.
  • شركة المساهمة الخاصة : شركة المساهمة الخاصة يمكن ممارسة أي نشاط تجاري أو صناعي.
  • شركة الأعمال المدنية : شركاء الاعمال المدنية ممارسة الأنشطة المهنية فقط.
  • فرع لشركة خليجية، أو فرع لشركة محلية : يمكن للفرع لشركة خليجية او محلية القيام بكل النشاطات المدرجة في الرخصة للشركة الأصلية.
  • فرع لشركة أجنبية : يمكن لفروع الشركات الأجنبية ممارسة الأنشطة المهنية، ونشاط مكتب التمثيل التجاري، والأنشطة التجارية غير المباشرة كالمقاولات.
  • فرع شركة منطقة حرة : يمكن لفرع شركة من منطقة حرة مزاولة الأنشطة التجارية والصناعية والمهنية طالما كان نشاط الشركة الأم مرخصاً في داخل الإمارات.
  • المؤسسة الفردية : يمكن للمؤسسة ممارسة الأنشطة التجارية والصناعية والمهنية.


3. Trade name registration

This is what distinguishes one license from another. It is also linked to the form and activity of the company and is fulfilled by several important conditions imposed by the Department of Economic Development on the trade name prior to its approval:

The trade name should not contain inappropriate words. It should not contradict public taste, and the company name should accurately reflect the commercial activity

The name of the company must accurately reflect the commercial activity, etc


4. Obtaining the initial approval

After defining the activity, legal form, trade name registration, You must obtain the initial approval for your economic activity, which qualifies you to proceed in order to obtain the approval of the authorities related to the activity.

Here, our experts will assign all the legal and paper work of your company in front of the government agencies to us, and our staff will do what is necessary on your behalf by completing all the steps with the various government agencies from our agencies and through the interconnected work team with the competent government agencies in the Emirate of Dubai with its long experience and permanent dealings with them.


5. Preparing the articles of incorporation and service agent agreement


6. Choose a location for your business


You must choose a location to run your business, as all companies must have an existing physical address located in the United Arab Emirates, and meet the specific requirements and regulations for land allocation by the municipality.

You can add other licenses in the same location as your existing license with important basics to consider.


7. Obtaining the approvals of the authorities concerned with the activity of the establishment

Some activities require additional approvals from the organizers

including the Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Interior Affairs, Ministry of Justice, Approval from the Civil Defense, if the activity, for example, is related to selling firefighting equipment, etc.

You will not need additional approvals for activities that fall within the scope of specialization of the Department of Economic Development, and you can also obtain assistance from the Department of Economic Development regarding additional entities related to your economic activity.


8. Obtaining a license

After completing all the required steps, you can receive an activity license after attaching the required documents, including the steps mentioned, submitting them to the Department of Economic Development, and paying the commercial license fees.

And then register as a member of the Chamber of Commerce and you will need to join the membership of the Chamber of Commerce in the respective emirate, before you can start your economic activity.

We do all this through our experts in mastering and in three easy and accessible steps without any complications, and we are committed to you until the establishment of your company.


تكاليف تأسيس شركة في دبي

  1. تكلفة الرخصة التجارية “تكلفة رخصة تجارية في المنطقة الحرة دبي” (رخصة مزاولة العمل التجاري).
  2. تكلفة موقع الشركة أو المكتب الذي تود القيام بعملك التجاري من خلاله (الإيجار السنوي للمكتب أو تكلفة شراء مكتب جديد).
  3. التكاليف المتعلقة بالأثاث والديكور الخاص بالمكتب.
  4. تكلفة تصاريح العمل والتأشيرات المطلوبة للموظفين المكفولين تحت اسم شركتك.
  5. فتح حساب مصرفي باسم الشركة وإيداع الحد الأدنى لرأس المال المطلوب حسب نوع نشاطك التجاري.

The legal form of the company also plays a key role in the increase or decrease in the cost of incorporation. For example, the costs of incorporating industrial companies are higher than in commercial and professional companies.

And Dubai trade license is the most important document you need, Of course, we help you to obtain the commercial license in the easiest way possible

The most important initial step is to know all the costs of establishing a company.

If you are planning to establish a trading company in Dubai, you must select the options in order to be able to determine the cost. Like is the company big or small, How many employees and where do you want to establish the company?

So you need to know the required fees, Because there are new commercial licenses that you have to obtain in return for money and fees, In addition to obtaining visas for the employees of the company. There are costs of sponsoring employees and providing them with the necessary visas and papers in order to be allowed to reside in the UAE.

Also, learn about the range of distinguished services that we offer you in order to invest in the Emirates, from the feasibility study of projects in Dubai, to assisting you in financing your project through investors cooperating with us.

Itqan will be your best choice to establish your business in the UAE. Contact us now .


إتقان لتأسيس الشركات وتطوير الأعمال - ITQAN

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