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Trade license in Dubai

Trade license in Dubai

30 Mar Trade license in Dubai

Aspects of progress, civilization and a sense of time travel towards the future that dominate the scene in Dubai, All of these are factors that encourage entrepreneurs from all over the world to start their businesses.

This amazing city gives good examples of projects that started from scratch and made great progress later.

When you intend to start your own company, or your own project, In Dubai, determining the type of license that you will obtain to start your business is of utmost importance whatever type of business you intend to start.

There are many procedures that need to be completed

The commercial license comes first…


Trade license in Dubai


What is a trade license?

A trade license is a document/certificate that allows an applicant (a person who wants to start a business) to start a specific trade or business in a specific area/location.

Verify that the company or trade is conducted in accordance with all safety regulations of the municipal government corporation.

It protects the occupants from any potential health risks.


Why would you need a business license?

Obtaining a business license is a must to launch and operate your business legally.

Commercial licenses ensure the management of commercial operations in accordance with the Commercial Company Law in the United Arab Emirates.

So it helps you to start your business legally and make sure that everything works according to the laws

regular authorities.

It is mentioned that the license does not allow the person to perform any other work


Types of licenses you can apply for..


· Vocational

· tourism


Trade license in Dubai

Commercial licenses are required for businesses engaged in general trading and contracting. This license allows UAE-based companies to do business inside and outside the UAE. Companies that need business licenses in Dubai include companies that deal in real estate, healthcare, transportation, publishing, media, oil and gas, spare parts, gold, precious metals, chemicals, automobiles, safety equipment and more.

The professional license

It is required for any company or individual that aims to make a profit by using the intellectual abilities of individuals, academic attainment and scientific talents. If the company is owned by more than one individual, it will be registered as a civil works company. Businesses that require a professional license in Dubai usually include those involved in insurance, consulting services, IT and IT infrastructure, computers, environmental activities, taxation, management, and marketing.

Industrial business license in Dubai

Industrial business licenses are required to operate industrial uniforms. Companies applying for this license are required to have a physical presence and headquarters in the United Arab Emirates. Variety manufacturers usually advance on a large scale, such as dairy products, animal and bird feed, meat products, carpets, others of

similar business, Applying for an industrial commercial license in Dubai.

Documents required to issue commercial licenses in Dubai

To apply for a work permit, The following documents are required. These cases may vary depending on the entity that regulates the licensing procedures.

1. Trade name certificate

2. Preliminary approval

3. Dubai Municipality and RERA certification of the rental agreement using the Ejari online feature

4. Link Note (Applicable)

Conditions for applying for a commercial license

• The applicant must be over 18 years old

• The applicant must not have any criminal records

• That the project be legal

We work closely with our clients and follow them step by step to meet all conditions and provide all requirements in order to help them establish successful companies and launch strongly in the market.

Contact us now , and let us develop a business plan based on a legal structure that will help you invest safely.


انواع الرخص التجارية في دبي

  1. التراخيص التجارية: وهي الرخصة التجارية للشركات التي تتعامل في التجارة العامة أو في نشاط تجاري متخصص
  2. التراخيص الصناعية: وهي الرخصة الصناعية لتأسيس نشاط صناعي والشركات العاملة في الإنتاج والتصنيع
  3. التراخيص المهنية: الرخصة المهنية تغطي المهن والخدمات والحرفيين والمتخصصين
  4. التراخيص السياحية: وهي للشركات التي تعمل في الخدمات المرتبطة بالسياحة والضيافة داخل دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة

The economic activity of Dubai has become growing and prospering, which has attracted many people to resort to Dubai to establish commercial activities there and invest money in it. Many commercial projects have been established in Dubai, as Dubai is characterized by an excellent strategic location, quiet structure, more stability and many means of luxury, which are It is one of the countries where security and safety are available, which made it a place for everyone’s attention, and everyone is thinking of being there and investing money in it, whether in setting up large or small projects, because the economy in Dubai is thriving and helps the success of many commercial activities, but starting any project in the Emirates may require A lot of money, in addition to the fact that it is necessary to establish a company and obtain a commercial license that gives you the opportunity to start your own business, and all of this requires some money and work Itqan is a company to provide assistance that helps you obtain a trade license for your activity at the lowest possible cost.


تكلفة الرخصة التجارية في دبي

Itqan helps you To obtain the commercial license at the lowest possible cost and in the shortest possible time, as the company is distinguished by its great experience and wide relationship, which enables it to complete all procedures related to issuing the commercial license at the lowest cost and as quickly as possible. Therefore, if you want to obtain the commercial license for your business with the lowest fees and without any effort on your part You have to write to the Itqan company team or call our number, and you will get all the services you want with the highest efficiency, the lowest cost, and the fastest time.

Itqan is one of the first companies that helps everyone to obtain a commercial license as soon as possible, due to its experience in this field, its many relationships, and the presence of specialists who are able to take the necessary measures that help to complete the issuance of the commercial license with the utmost ease and with minimal effort.


افضل شركة لتأسيس الشركات فى الامارات 

Itqan is one of the first companies working to establish companies, relying on the great experience in the field and its work in this field for many years, and the ability of the company to complete all procedures related to the commercial license and extract it. You find a company like Itqan that works to help you and achieve your goals with the least effort from you and the lowest cost. You can only contact us through our help team and call it via the number provided.


ما هي الرخصة الفورية دبي:

The UAE always seeks to provide all means of comfort for the investor in order to reside and invest in Dubai. The Dubai instant license is one of the most important facilities offered by the UAE to encourage investment in it.

The Dubai instant license shortens all the procedures for establishing a company in Dubai in one step. By issuing only one exchange permit, The costs of establishing a company in the UAE are: The cost of issuing the instant license in Dubai is three thousand dirhams.

However, there is a condition when obtaining the instant license in Dubai. It is the investor’s knowledge that it is extracted only once, It is the first year when establishing a company in Dubai , and upon renewal, all papers and documents related to the company are submitted, in order to obtain a trade license.


تكاليف خاصة باستخراج التراخيص الخاصة بنشاط الشركة:

  • كما ذكرنا من قبل أن النشاط الخاص بأي شركة يختلف عن الاخرى، فمثلا رسوم استخراج رخصة تجارية أو صناعية يختلف عن استخراج رخصة لمزاولة الأعمال المهنية، في تكاليف استخراج  الأولى ستمائة درهم إماراتي، وتكلفة استخراج  الثانية خمسمائة درهم إماراتي.
  • رسوم الحصول على موافقة مبدئية لممارسة الأعمال والنشاط الخاص بالشركة في الإمارات من الجهات المختصة، يبلغ مائة درهم إماراتي.
  • من تكاليف تأسيس شركة في الإمارات، الرسوم الخاصة باختيار اسم الشركة وتسجيله، ويبلغ قيمة الرسم مائتان وعشرة درهم إماراتي.
  • ذكرنا من قبل أنه عند تأسيس شركة أجنبية في الإمارات يجب توافر شريك إماراتي الجنسية يملك شركة ذات مسؤولية، وتكون رسوم وجود هذا الشريك خمسمائة درهم إماراتي.
  • أيضا من إجراءات تأسيس شركة أجنبية فى الإمارات فى حالة عدم توافر شريك إماراتي الجنسية، الاستعانة بوكيل معتمد، وتبلغ رسوم الاستعانة بوكيل معتمد سبعمائة درهم إماراتي.
  • رسوم استخراج الرخصة اى كان نوع النشاط الخاص بها وطباعتها، تبلغ خمسون درهم إماراتي.
  • أما تكلفة رخصة تجارية في المنطقة الحرة دبي، فهي تختلف من حيث إذا كانت شركة أو مؤسسة، فتكلفة رخصة تجارية في المنطقة الحرة دبي بالنسبة للشركات تكون قيمتها عشرة آلاف درهم، أما تكلفة رخصة تجارية في المنطقة الحرة دبي بالنسبة للمؤسسة خمسة عشر الاف درهم إماراتي.


كاليف خاصة بممارسة نشاط الشركة فى السوق الإماراتي:

  • يتم حساب الرسوم الخاصة بممارسة اى نوع من الأنشطة الاستثمارية فى السوق الإماراتي على حسب اذا كانت الشركة على نظام القانون المحلي، أو نظام القانون الخاص بالمناطق الحرة في دبي.

If it is on the first system, the fees will be 5% of the value of the company’s lease contract. If it is on the other system, the fees will be 7.5% of the value of the company’s lease.

  •    إذا كان مقر الشركة تمليك وليس إيجار، فيتم احتساب الرسوم عن طريق تشكيل لجنة مختصة بذلك من قبل الحكومة الإماراتية.
  • إذا كان المستثمر مقيم إقامة دائمة في الإمارات فتكون رسوم إقامته 5% من قيمة عقد إيجار السكن الخاص به.
  • هناك رسوم أخرى تسمى رسوم على النفايات، ويتم تحديدها من قبل لجنة النفايات في الإمارات


خطوات استخراج رخصة تجارية في دبي


تحديد النشاط الاقتصادي للمنشأة

Determining the activity is the first step in the process of issuing a commercial license. Through the activity, the parties associated with this activity and the permitted legal forms of work are identified. There are more than 2,100 economic activities available in the Emirate of Dubai. Where these activities are divided into different groups into commercial activities, industrial activities, professional activities, and tourist activities.

The type of license is related to the type of activity. If the activity of the license is professional, the type of license is professional. In the event that more than one type of activity is combined in the license, then the largest activity is taken. The industrial activity is the largest, followed by the commercial and professional dimension. It is possible to merge industrial, commercial and professional activities, provided that the activities are homogeneous. or issuing a permit for the activity to be added, Example: If commercial and professional activities are combined in one license, The type of license is commercial because the commercial activity is the largest activity (this does not apply to tourism activities).


تحديد الشكل القانوني والأطراف

The legal form of the economic establishment in Dubai is directly related to the selected economic activities. The investor must verify the economic activities and their compatibility with legal forms.


تحديد​​ وحجز الاسم التجاري

It is the name that distinguishes one license from another so that the customer does not fall into suspicion. The trade name must also be related to the type of license or what indicates it.

After completing the trade name reservation, A payment authorization and a transaction number for opening a business license in Dubai will be issued. which should be used as a reference when paying. Service fees can be paid through electronic services, cash, credit card, or checks at some payment outlets in service centers. or through accredited banks, Or the money can be transferred from the bank account.


التقديم على شهادة الموافقة المبدئية​

The initial approval certificate is a document proving that the Department of Economic Development, represented by the Commercial Registration and Licensing Sector, does not object to establishing an economic establishment, whether an institution or a company. It states that it is possible to move to the next step to obtain a trade license.



إتقان لتأسيس الشركات وتطوير الأعمال - ITQAN

Mariam Karar

Rama Al Farras

Ramy Dikki

Lubaba aboud

Ghazal Nabeel

Mohamed Katan

Mohamed Hamza